How to Print Money with Ads
Here’s three fascinating points about advertising:
Emotional ads generate 50% more sales than rational ads ❤️
Ads featuring people’s faces get 93% more engagement than ads without people 🙂
Ads showing a product or service being used increases the likelihood of purchase by 129% 💳
This is how you print money with ads: having the right knowledge 🧠
When you know what works, you can build highly successful campaigns over and over again.
So today I’m launching the Complete Advertising Checklist
It’s a powerful 200+ point checklist that gives you all the ideas, insights and best practices you need to launch winning ad campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
For the next 48 hours only, and just for my audience, you can get it at the special launch price here. After that, I’ll be advertising this checklist globally at a much higher price.
So I hope you found the above three points useful, and feel free to check out the Complete Advertising Checklist if you want a lot more! 😉
All the best,